ClienTell® Consulting, LLC
Whats the payback from this process?
        As in any relationship, if we pay more attention to our partner in this case, our customer we can increase satisfaction and ultimately delight them. Over time, your very satisfied customers are most likely to continue to give you business and recommend you to others, bringing more business your way.  These links were studied and published by James Heskett, Leonard Schlesinger and their colleagues in the Harvard Business Review* and later, in The Service-Profit Chain.**
        Most business leaders invest based only on their best judgment without asking what customers want. Customer-driven companies enjoy a competitive advantage by investing using customer feedback every day. This yields the highest probability of increased profits from satisfying customers enough to keep them coming back
and telling others to do even more business with you in the future!

*Mar-Apr 1994.
**The Free Press, New York, 1997.

Business Rationale
for Customer Satisfaction
Whats the payback from this process?
How do we link satisfaction to profits?
If growing, why worry about customer loyalty?
Why survey if we can't change our business?
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