ClienTell® Consulting, LLC
Managing to Improve Satisfaction and Business Results
What can we do to improve satisfaction?
        For every aspect of your business, customers can tell you what has delighted them and what has fallen short of their expectations in a well-designed survey.
        By ranking your processes and correlating them to overall satisfaction, you can prioritize your resources to improve where needed most. Typically, there are many things that can increase customer satisfaction, from simplifying forms and procedures, to making your people more accessible, to more aggressive changes, like new products or services and innovative technologies to support them.
        However, studying and sharing the best practices of your best people
that is, exactly how they demonstrate their reliability, knowledge, creativity, professionalism, empathy and sense of urgency in wanting to earn and keep loyal customers may improve satisfaction the most with the least investment!
  What can we do to improve satisfaction?
  How can best practices help our unique business?
  What if we lack resources to do new things?
  How can one independent consultant help us?
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