ClienTell® Consulting, LLC
Managing to Improve Satisfaction and Business Results
How can one independent consultant help us?
        By realizing the vision of providing a catalyst for customer-driven change, ClienTell Consulting can share the experience gained from over 15 years of measuring and managing customer and employee satisfaction. ClienTell Consulting surveys have helped measure satisfaction with numerous products, services, and market segments including capital goods, consumables, and services in the corporate setting, with thousands of colleagues and customers in more than 30 countries and a dozen languages, worldwide.
        By helping you to leverage internal resources, you work with ClienTell Consulting only as needed, as you build confidence and skills in your own organization and customer loyalty efforts. Just as your internal staff manages your finances, ClienTell Consulting can help you achieve customer-driven success under your own initiatives management over time!
  What can we do to improve satisfaction?
  How can best practices help our unique business?
  What if we lack resources to do new things?
  How can one independent consultant help us?
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Business Rationale
About Surveys and Measuring
Managing Satisfaction